CASHEW:It benefits for the body.

 Cashew is a good source of different types of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that promote human well-being and offer lots of health benefits.

Cashew fruits appear in different colors ranging from yellow to red and have several nutritional benefits as listed below:
Health Benefits of Cashew
 1.     Cashews are rich in Vitamin C
Cashew fruit is rich in vitamin C more than oranges; when taken as juice or eaten as whole fruit, it supplies the body with the amount of vitamin C that serves as an anti-scurvy effect.

 2.Boosts Immune System
 As a natural vitamin pack fruit, cashew fruit helps the body system fight against anti-bacterial diseases by boosting the immune system's strength. Consuming cashew helps in making your immune system stronger because of the presence of zinc and antioxidants.
Antioxidants assist in fighting against unstabilized ions in our bodies. Help prevents them from causing damage to our body and immune system cells. Zincs helps in making our system stronger against microbial infections. Therefore, regular intake of cashew helps prevent you from being sick and ensures quick healing due to a more robust immune system.

 3.It Offers Antioxidants
 Cashew fruits contain certain antioxidants that protect the body from damages that harmful molecules may cause. The antioxidants found in cashew include vitamin E and K, which help in fighting against oxidative damage—eating cashew aids in preventing your human diseases and injuries caused by free radicals. 

4.Promotes Healthy Bones
 Cashew nuts contain magnesium, which helps maintain healthy bones, muscles, tissues, and other vital organs.
Constant consumption of cashew nuts is essential for developing healthy bones because of phosphorus, which plays a good role in making our bones healthy, adequate absorption of carbohydrates and fats, and promotes overall cellular health. Therefore consume cashew regularly for a stronger bone.
 5.Lowers the Risk of Diabetes  
It helps in reducing the risk of type2 diabetes because of the low sugar content and zero cholesterol. Consuming cashew nuts is beneficial to a diabetic patient, as it helps in blood sugar regulation due to the magnesium found in cashews.
It is an excellent fruit for people who have diabetes because it can prevent or treat other diabetes complications like obesity, cardiovascular risk, and arterial hypertension.

 6.Lowers High blood pressure
Cashew consumption is essential in high blood pressure maintenance because of the magnesium that is contained in it. High blood pressure can lead to various heart diseases like stroke, heart attack, and atherosclerosis.
It is advisable to consume cashew fruit to keep your blood pressure under control because of the high health risk caused by high blood pressure levels.

7.Prevents Cancer
 Moderate and regular eating of cashew fruits is very beneficial for lowering the risk of cancer development because of compounds like flavonoids and antioxidants found in them.
The compounds are capable of fighting against the tumor cells and prevent them from further dividing. Cashew fruits also help fight against cancerous cells due to the presence of copper and are very effective in reducing the risk of any cancer.

 8.It Helps in Weight Loss
Moderate and regular consumption of cashew nuts helps in lowering cholesterol. Cashews contain a lower amount of cholesterol, thereby making them very effective in losing weight. It is suitable for heart health and the buildup of fat that leads to weight management. Although high in fat content, it is known to be low fat because the fat contained in it is less when compared to others. Cashew nuts have a high amount of dietary fiber and a high energy density essential for weight management only when eaten moderately.
 9.It Prevents Anemia 
Cashews are a good source of dietary iron, which is essential for carrying oxygen around the body and helps make the immune system stronger and function of enzymes.
The iron deficiency in our body can lead to many health issues like anemia, increased accessibility to infection, fatigue, and increased risk of getting sick, and eating cashew aids in preventing health problems due to the presence of iron in them. 
 10.Promotes Healthy Heart
Cashews help improve your heart's health because it is a good source of dietary fats required for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K and the production of fatty acids, which are essential for developing the brain and clotting of the blood. Fats present in cashew like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated also make cashew beneficial for our heart.
The average consumption of cashew aids in controlling cholesterol levels and reduce harmful cholesterol levels (LDL cholesterol), thereby increase good cholesterol levels (HDL cholesterol).  Cashews help maintain blood pressure which is also a significant cause of heart problems but consumption of cashew nuts aids in controlling blood pressure, thereby promoting a healthy heart.
 11.Promotes Healthy Eyes
Cashew nut is an excellent food for the eyes because it contains a high level of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants when regularly consumed.
 They are very effective in promoting healthy eyes and preventing your eyes from being damaged by harmful radiation of sun rays and lowers the instance of cataracts. Therefore regular consumption of cashews helps to improve the health of your eyes.

 12.Promotes  a Healthy Hair

Cashews are a good source of copper, an essential component of the enzyme that is good for the hair. Its copper content also aids in making your hair black. So consumption of cashew will contribute a lot in making your hair black in color. Also, the application of cashew oil on your scalp ensures healthy hair.
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