31 Health benefits of clove and milk + How to prepare clove and milk.

 Are you aware of the enormous health benefits of drinking a combo of cloves and milk? I will list them out in this article but before them check out how cloves and milk mixture is prepared.

Method of preparations – How to prepare clove and milk

Interested in knowing how to make clove and milk?  Crush or grind the cloves and add a teaspoonful of the crushed or ground cloves to a glass of liquid milk (any kind of milk: cowbell, three crowns, peak milk, Dano etc). Make sure you make this combo in a healthy or hygienic environment with no form of contamination whatsoever.. No it is time to drink….

Health benefits of clove and milk

Here are the numerous nutritional value and health benefits of a combo of clove and milk

1- Infertility – it boosts sperm production, sperm count and sperm motility in men….in addition it boosts ovulation in women….

2-  Sexual Prowess: A combo of milk and cloves improves libido, sexual desires in both sexes, helps a man to last long in bed.

3- Cloves together with milk enhances the function of the heart, stomach, brain liver and kidneys.

4- Milk and cloves improves eyesight or vision

5- Relieves joint pain and rheumatism.

6- Relieves and prevents asthma, cough, nasal congestion and upper respiratory tract infections.

7- Relieves the diaphragmatic spasms and the discomfort of hiccups.

8- A drink of a combo of cloves and milk aids and soothes the digestive system

9- Improves memory and understanding. Good for persons with dementia, Alzheimer disease and Parkinson’s disease

10- Removes excess gas in the stomach and the gut. Relieves bloating

11- Having a cup of cloves and milk improves the function of bladder muscles, and may prevent urinary incontinence.

12- Milk contains calcium and prevents bleeding of the gums and weakness of the teeth

13- it gives you a feeling of well being

14- Improves sexual performance …cloves is an aphrodisiac

15- Regulates blood pressure


16- Regulate blood sugar and maintain its levels. Cloves and milk is good for diabetics

17- Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties and therefore colds and fever

18- Effective for sore throat and tonsillitis

19- Cloves and milk have anticancer properties and therefore helps in the prevention of cancer.

20- Good for persons with anxiety disorders, depression and other psychological conditions.

21- Softens stool and relieves the pain in persons wit hemorrhoids.

22. Taking a cold mixture of cloves and milk is very good for the skin.

23. Enhances hair growth.

24. A cup of cloves and milk helps with your weight loss regimen and also for weight gain.

25. Cloves and milk helps relieves the pain of stomach ulcer. The combo soothes stomach ulcer and promotes its healing

26. Cloves and milk is very good for pregnant women.

27. Cloves and milk can be given to children and even the elderly

28. Having a cup of clove and milk drink helps boost appetite for food.

29. It is refreshing

30. It is good for vaginal health as it helps boost the growth of good bacteria… This helps to prevent infection like yeast infection (candidiasis) and bacteria vaginosis.

31. Clove and milk helps boost fertility in both the male and the famale.

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