How to Boost Libido Naturally.
Looking for some foods that increase libido? If so, that’s a smart move.
When it comes to improving your sex life, it makes sense to employ a variety of sexual wellness strategies. The more you implement, the better your results will be.
Whether you want to increase your desire for sex, hope to resolve premature ejaculation or just need greater stamina in the bedroom, paying attention to foods that boost libido can help.
If you've experienced symptoms of premature ejaculation and would like to learn ways to prevent it, please see our Ultimate Guide To Premature Ejaculation.
You’ve probably heard the word ‘libido’ thrown around before.
Although you may have an idea of what the term means, let’s define libido in detail before moving on.
1. Dark Chocolate
Most people who want to improve their love life are happy to hear that dark chocolate is a natural libido booster. It helps to increase both serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. These are your ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitters.
An antioxidant found in cocoa known as flavanols also help to increase blood flow and relax blood vessels. This provides ample blood flow to all the right places at the right time!
The amount of flavanols present in chocolate can vary greatly depending on the way it's produced and the specific brand. The best source of flavanols come from unsweetened cocoa powder. You can also purchase fortified powder if it promises at least 200 mg of flavanols per serving.
These days, there are endless dark chocolate brands to choose from. For the best results, go for the less processed varieties when you want to improve your libido.
2. Green Tea
Whether you prefer it hot or cold, green tea can bring some much-desired heat to your sex life. Catechins are compounds generously found in green tea. They help with blood flow and reduce belly fat.
There are two specific ways catechins can improve your blood flow. First, they eliminate free radicals known to inflame and harm blood vessels. This makes them more effective at transporting blood.
Secondly, catechins help blood vessel cells to let go of nitric oxide, increasing blood vessel size and improving blood flow.
Most people imagine the only way to consume green tea is by drinking it straight. Actually, there are plenty of other ways to integrate it into your diet.
Green tea works well in smoothies and oatmeal. You can also add green tea powder to your baked goods and yogurt.
3. Fatty Fish
While all types of fish properly prepared will give you some significant dietary benefits, certain species are particularly helpful for an improved libido. Fatty or oily fish such as sardines, salmon or tuna are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. These acids increase dopamine in the brain and promote heart health and blood flow.
Also high in vitamin B6 and protein, consuming fish leads to healthier blood production. Few foods offer so much protein at such a low-calorie level. This means a leaner physique that performs better during sex.
4. Pumpkin Seeds
One of the best foods for libido improvement is pumpkin seeds. They’re rich in zinc, iron, fiber, protein and potassium. Besides zinc’s ability to improve your eye health, immune function and wound healing, the high concentration of this mineral is especially good for men.
If you’re searching for foods that boost libido in males, pumpkin seeds do just that. A zinc deficiency, on the other hand, can result in low testosterone levels.
Scientists are still studying why zinc is so important in the production of testosterone. In one study, men who were given 30 mg of zinc displayed increased free testosterone levels.
Add pumpkin seeds to your trail mix, salad, or cereal. They’re a valuable libido enhancer.
5. Avocados
The versatility of the avocado makes it a culinary favorite. They’re also a significant source of vitamin E, making for healthy nails and skin.
Avocados are rich in vitamin B6, potassium and monounsaturated fats. These help to promote good circulation and a healthy heart, both a necessity for a great sex life.
The natural benefits of avocados help to prevent artery damage too. Erectile dysfunction is twice as likely in men who have heart disease.
According to one study, researchers found that avocado consumption lessens the risk of metabolic syndrome, a known risk factor for erectile dysfunction. In fact, men with metabolic syndrome are nearly twice as likely as the general population to struggle with ED.
Avocados are easy to use and versatile enough for any meal. Try some mashed avocado on your toast at breakfast or use it with chips and salsa, on a sandwich or salad.
6. Pomegranates
According to a two-week study by Queen Mary University Edinburgh, daily consumption of pomegranate juice significantly increased testosterone levels in women and men.
Besides potentially increased testosterone levels, pomegranates help to enhance blood flow, thereby improving your libido. Their high levels of antioxidants are the main reason for this.
Pomegranates make for a unique but extremely healthy sweet treat by themselves. They also work great on salads, cereals and yogurts.
Whether you’re searching for foods that increase male libido or foods that increase female libido, pomegranates should be in your arsenal of tasty go-to snacks.
7. Watermelon
Most people look forward to a summer gathering that includes watermelon. But did you know that watermelon is more than just a refreshing way to cool down?
The vitamin B5 present in watermelon is vital for stress management. That’s a good thing since high-stress levels can cause both male and female libidos to plummet.
And once you’re in the mood for sex because of lower stress levels, your body will get rid of cortisol after orgasm. This helps to decrease stress levels all the more. Watermelon can help to make sure you have limited stress so you feel more in the mood in the first place.
Watermelon can be deemed to be one of the best fruits to increase libido also provides other B vitamins which help with sexual endurance and energy production. And since watermelon is a vasodilator (helps to widen blood vessels), it works much like a natural Viagra.
8. Beef
Although beef often doesn’t make the list of what to eat to increase libido, it’s well worth considering. The saturated fats contained in beef are important sex hormone building blocks. This includes testosterone, vital for increasing libido in women and men.
Beef also contains plenty of zinc which is important from a fertility and increased sex drive standpoint. Beef is rich in iron which helps with energy production and improved blood flow too.
Whether you plan on grilling a steak or marinating beef for kebabs, your sexual health will thank you. If you can find leaner cuts of meat to include in recipes, that’s always your best choice.
9. Try Some Herbs
It turns out that herbs do more than provide a healthful flavor-alternative for your favorite dishes. They can also benefit your sexual health. And each herb has its own unique medicinal properties. Here are a few to consider.
It has high levels of allicin, which can help with blood flow. That increased flow may help men struggling with erectile dysfunction too.
Another herb to consider is Ginkgo biloba. Deriving from the leaves of the Chinese Ginkgo tree, the herb is considered useful in treating sexual dysfunction caused by antidepressants.
Ginkgo biloba can be purchased online or at health food stores. This herb can be used as a tea. It’s also found in liquid extract, tablet and capsule forms.
Still another worthy herb for an improved libido is ginseng. Although scientists have yet to discover all the benefits of ginseng, a recent study found this herb beneficial in treating sexual dysfunction for methadone users.