Mind Blowing Health Benefits of Guava Fruit and Leaves.

Guava is a traditional remedy for a range of health conditions. Research suggests that guava fruits and leaves may have a number of benefits.

Guavas are tropical fruits with yellowish-green skin, and they grow on trees in Central America. The Latin name for the common guava tree is Psidium guajava.
People use guava leaf tea as a treatment for diarrhea in several countries, including India and China. In other countries, such as Mexico, people have traditionally used the flesh of the fruit to heal wounds.
In this article, we explore some potential health benefits and uses of guava. We also describe nutritional information, risks, and how to incorporate guava into the diet.
Nutritional information
Guava fruit is a nutritious and healthful food that is rich in several important nutrients.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 100 grams (g) of raw guava fruit contain:
  • 68 calories
  • 14.32 g of carbohydrates
  • 8.92 g of sugars
  • 0.95 g of fat
  • 5.4 g of dietary fiber
  • 417 mg of potassium
  • 228.3 mg of vitamin C
  • 624 international units of vitamin A
Type 2 diabetes
Guava leaf tea may help prevent spikes in blood sugar and improve symptoms in people with type 2 diabetes.
2010 review of evidence from clinical trials and animal studies suggests that guava leaf tea may help improve insulin resistance and lower blood sugar levels.
These benefits may result from compounds in guava leaf extract helping to moderate glucose absorption after a person eats a meal.
Menstrual cramps
Taking supplements containing guava leaf extract may reduce menstrual cramps.
The results of a study from 2007 suggest that taking guava leaf extract supplements may relieve menstrual pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea.
Participants who took 6 milligrams (mg) of the extract each day experienced less menstrual pain than those taking ibuprofen or a placebo.
Guava leaf tea is a traditional remedy for diarrhea in many parts of the world.
Evidence from animal studies suggests that the leaf extract may have the potential to treat infectious diarrhea.
2015 study investigated the use of this extract in mice with infectious diarrhea. The infection cleared more quickly in the mice who consumed guava leaf extract than in those who did not. The researchers noted that guava leaf extract shows promise as a treatment for this illness.
Another study from 2015 found that guava leaf extract helped control diarrhea in chickens with Escherichia coli infections.
However, scientists need to carry out more research to confirm these findings in humans.
Drinking guava leaf tea may help people fight off the flu.
In a 2012 test tube study, guava leaf tea showed promise as an antiviral agent for flu treatment. The researchers found that the tea inhibited the growth of the virus that causes the flu.
The antiviral effect of the tea may result from the leaf’s flavanols, which are a natural antioxidant.
Confirming the effects in humans will require further research.
Blood pressure
Consuming guava leaf extract may help lower high blood pressure.
2016 test tube study found that the extract had an antihypertensive effect in rat tissues, which means that it may have the potential to reduce blood pressure.
This effect may be due to the leaf extract’s antioxidant properties. Antioxidants may lower blood pressure by helping to expand blood vessels.
However, scientists need to carry out more studies to determine whether guava leaf extract can reduce high blood pressure in humans.
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