18 Fast Tips How to Get Rid of Pimple Scars Naturally.

 One of the common issues related to skin that most people suffer from is pimples. They exist at all parts of the body such as face, back, shoulders, neck…Pimples are not a big deal, however, it will turn out serious when a swelling filled with bacteria and pus. It makes people feel uncomfortable as well as affects the other aspects of life. Especially, the pimple can leave the scars that remain constantly on the skin. Pimple scars will affect to our appearance and make us lose the confidence. Are you suffering from pimples and pimple scars? Are you finding the remedies on how to treat them? There is a variety of methods to remove pimple scars. In this article. I would like to introduce to you 19 fast tips on how to get rid of pimple scars naturally. I hope that these below tips can give you more useful information in treating pimple scars. Read the entire article to have fully understanding on the treatment.

19 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Pimple Scars Naturally.

1. Fenugreek Extract

how to get rid of pimple scars

Fenugreek seeds can help to remove scars. It is quite easy to extract the oil from fenugreek seeds. You just need to put them into a pot and boil them with a small amount of water. Wait for the mixture cool and then apply it to the pimples. Leave it there overnight and wash it off in the morning.

2. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is known as the natural skin lightener. It lightens your skin tone and also can remove the pimples. Apply the lemon juice on the scars and wait for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. However, the citric acid in the lemon can make your skin become dry; therefore you should moisturize your skin after washing off the juice. In addition, you can use lime juice instead of lemon because it also contains the high level of citric acid. You must take consideration when using this remedy. Lemon juice's pH is 2 while skin's pH is 4.0-7.0. If you leave lemon juice on the face too long, it can cause the chemical burns. Bergapten is found in citrus juices that can bind to DNA and permit UV radiation to penetrate. That can easily lead to the skin damage. Therefore, avoid exposing to the sun when using citrus juice. You can protect your skin by wearing sunscreen. So, using lemon juice is one of the natural methods on how to get rid of pimple scars that you should apply.

 3.Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is considered as the most effective remedies for skin blazes and wounds.

However, not many people know the function of aloe vera in treating pimples and pimple scars. You just need to apply aloe vera gel overnight and wash it off with warm water or gentle soap in the morning. The products made from aloe vera are available in the drugstore. However, using the aloe vera sap is the best natural way on how to get rid of pimple scars. Apply directly this gel on the scarring and don't need to wash it off with water. You can add some drops of tea tree oil into the aloe vera to get more effective.

4. Neem Leaves

Neem leaves are rich in natural antibacterial that can treat pimples and remove pimple scars. After the dried neem leaves are crushed, you mix it with water. Apply it on the face as the facial mask, and then wash it off with water.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

how to get rid of pimple scars

Another alternate remedy for pimples and pimple scars is apple cider vinegar. You just need to add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with four tablespoons of water. After having a smooth paste, apply it on pimples and pimple scars. Wait until they become dry and wash off with warm water.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is long well-known as the top-list ingredient. It can moisture the skin, especially dry skin and heal the scars. Take a teaspoon of coconut oil and keep into your palm of your hand. It will melt thanks to the body temperature. After that, apply oil on the scarred skin and massage. You don't need to wash the coconut oil to keep the vitamins and essential fatty acids maintaining your skin. However, you are not comfortable; leave it for at least thirty minutes before cleaning.

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil is not only known as a good oil for skin but also an effective treatment for pimple scars. For the best result, you should apply it constantly. Olive oil is also known as one of the most effective ingredients on how to get rid of pimple scars fast.

8. Cucumber

It is obvious that cucumber is the most popular ingredient in treating skin problems. It contains such elements: vitamin A, vitamin C, and magnesium. Cucumber is quite cheap and available and considered as the dynamic ingredients. Cut cucumber into thin slices; apply it as the facial mask several times a week. It will keep your skin soft and get rid of scars.

9. Grated Raw Potato

Grated raw potato is an alternative of treating pimple scars beside it is known as the remedy for the dark circle around eyes. Apply the potato slices on the face and pimple scars. Leave for 30 minutes and wash it off with water.

10. Sugar Scrub

how to get rid of pimple scars

This remedy is quite simple and natural on how to remove pimple scars and have a healthy, glowing skin. It seems as an exfoliating agent to clean dust on the skin and make your skin tone bright. Mix three tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of milk powder and one tablespoon of honey into a paste, after that, scrub it on the face. Wait for a few minutes and wash it off with water.

11. Egg White

Another remedy on how to get rid of the pimple scars is to use egg white. Lightening the pimple marks and the pimple scars is one of the main functions of it. You just need to take a fresh egg and break it, after that separate the egg white from the egg yolk. Paste egg white on the pimple scars and leave it for 10 – 15 minutes then wash with the cold water.

12. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain the high level of vitamin A. As we may know that vitamin A can help to nourish the dead skin, heal skin and facilitate quickly the growth of the skin as well as remove the scars. This remedy is quite simple and easy. You just need to slice a tomato into the thin pieces and apply it on the face and leave it for 20 minutes, then wash it off with water. In addition, you can add avocados or cucumbers with tomatoes to make a paste as the face mask. Follow this remedy twice a day to get the effectiveness.

13. Tea Tree Oil

how to get rid of pimple scars

One of the best choices for you is to use tea tree oil. The property in green tea oil can help to remove the pimple scars. You must follow strictly this remedy in a certain period. After applying the tea tree oil on the affected areas, it should be left for a few hours.

14. Lemon And Glycerin Face Pack

We all know that lemon contains the high level of vitamin C that can stimulate the beauty of the skin. In addition, the astringent properties are found the high level in lemon that can treat the pimple scars. To make the lemon face pack, you just need lemon juice and glycerin. Mix the lemon juice with the amount of glycerin, and then paste it on your skin.

15. Sandal Wood And Rose Water Face Pack

One of the effective remedies on how to get rid of pimple scars fast is to make sandal wood face pack. Sandalwood is considered as the skin healing property that is easy to make at home. The ingredient components include sandalwood powder and rose water. Make a mixture of three tablespoons of sandal wood powder and rose water into a paste. After applying it, wait for fifteen minutes. Do it frequently, your skin will become smooth and without of scars.

16. Honey And Milk Pack

how to get rid of pimple scars

The ingredients for making honey and milk pack include honey, turmeric powder, milk and rose water. It is quite simple to follow this remedy. You just need to take two tablespoons of honey, milk, and half a tablespoon of turmeric powder to make a mixture and add some drops of rose water. Apply it on face skin during 15 minutes. Olive oil is also known as one of the most effective ingredients on how to get rid of pimple scars fast.

17. An Ice Cube

Using ice cube is the simplest and easiest way on how to get rid of pimple scars. It has the function of soothing the inflamed skin area and reducing redness. Here are some how-to guides for you. Use a clean cloth or piece of paper towel to wrap an ice cube and apply it on the scarring for a few minutes.

18. Use Retinoid Skin Products

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