10+ Foods That Reduce Excessive Sweating.

 If you sweat heavily or have hyperhidrosis, you may shower or reapply antiperspirant around the clock to deal with it. But have you also considered your diet? Are there foods that reduce sweating?

Digestion might not seem like a taxing bodily function. But as your body works to break down the food you’ve eaten, your internal temperature spikes, signaling your body to sweat to cool off. If you’re habitually eating things (like spicy food) that make this process harder, you’re bound to get trapped in a vicious sweat cycle.

Here’s a list of healthy sweat-reducing foods to keep your heavy sweating at bay, boosting your confidence and peace of mind.

1. Water

Drinking water to reduce sweating is probably a no-brainer. By keeping your body cool, you won’t kick your sweat response into gear to lower your internal temperature. Excessive sweating can also dehydrate you faster, so keep a refillable water bottle nearby to sip throughout the day.

Furthermore, did you know that drinking eight glasses of water per day is no longer the standard? How much water you should drink depends on your environment, overall health and exercise levels. According to The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, an adequate daily fluid intake for adults living in a temperate climate is:

  • About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
  • About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women

Pro-tip: Try to avoid drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine. Both substances stimulate your nervous system and temporarily raise your heart rate and blood pressure, increasing your body temperature and making you sweat.

2. Water-Dense Fruits and Vegetables

Between your coffee breaks and evening beverages, you probably struggle to drink an adequate amount of water daily. But have no fear — there are other great sources to help get you there.

Incorporating high water content fruits and vegetables into your diet helps reduce sweat. Here are some water-dense fruits and vegetables to consider.


  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Watermelon
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapples
  • Peaches


  • Celery
  • Eggplant
  • Red cabbage
  • Bell peppers
  • Spinach
  • Lettuces
  • Cucumber

3. Calcium-Rich Foods Like Low-Fat Milk, Cheese and Yogurt

Calcium is another mineral that regulates body temperature and helps suppress sweating. If you’re struggling to get your daily serving of calcium, add some low-fat milk to your morning cereal, sprinkle cheese into your eggs or take yogurt to work for extra sweat protection.

Pro-tip: High-fat foods take longer for your body to digest, causing you to heat up and then sweat. Make sure your dairy choices are low-fat or fat-free for best results.

4. Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, boosting metabolism and digestion and preventing surges in body temperature and sweat levels.

Try using olive oil in cooking and salad dressings.

5. High-Fiber Foods Like Oats and Whole Grains

Processed foods are more difficult to digest, making your body work harder to break them down and increasing body temperature and sweating. On the other hand, fiber-rich, low-fat foods digest quickly.

Look for whole grains instead of processed grains, like white bread, white rice and foods made with white flour.

6. Magnesium-Rich Foods Like Almond, Spinach and Soy

Magnesium boosts metabolism, improves digestion and bolsters the immune system. In addition, excessive sweating can cause a magnesium deficiency.

Other magnesium-rich foods include pumpkin seeds, cashews and dark chocolate.

7. Whey Protein

Got an important meeting coming up? Whey protein, a popular fitness supplement, contains L-glutamine and tryptophan, which calm your nervous system naturally to fight jitters that can make you sweat. Whey also regulates your blood sugar and digestive system, providing an added sweat defense.

Try adding whey powder to smoothies and yogurt.

8. Foods Rich in B-Vitamins

Foods rich in B-vitamins include salmon, beef, eggs and leafy greens.

B-Vitamins carry out critical metabolic functions that keep your body running smoothly. A lack of essential B Vitamins makes your body work harder, causing you to sweat more.

9. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are packed with essential vitamins, helping calm your nerves, combat stress and lower your blood pressure.

10. Bananas

Bananas aren’t water-dense, but they do pack a potassium punch. Potassium is an electrolyte that contains magnesium, vitamin B6 and other nutrients that help you stay hydrated.

Bananas not only make a great snack, they also promote happiness, calmness and good digestion.

11. Green Tea

Green tea is known for its calming effects, keeping your nervous system (and sweat) at bay. So sip on some green tea before a nerve-wracking presentation to take the edge off and prevent signs of sweat — just make sure it’s decaffeinated!

Combat Excessive Sweat.

Now that you know what foods and drinks reduce sweat, you can feel better on dates, during business dinners, or anytime you feel less than confident about sweating too much.

If you’re looking for an even stronger sweat defense for those extra stressful days, try these natural food,they are made with patented Hydro-Shield technology that completely blocks sweat from showing through your outer layers, keeping you confident and sweat-mark free all day long.

Note: Today, we’ve talked about ways in which your body attempts to cool itself down when you eat certain foods. However, if you sweat when you eat any food or even think about food, you may have a rare medical condition called gustatory sweating, or Frey’s Syndrome. If you suspect that you have gustatory sweating, see your primary care physician for further assistance.

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