Ginger Lemonade Recipe Benefits.

 Ginger lemonade recipe can give your healthy diet a delicious kick using cheap ingredients.

If you’re looking for ways to spice up your healthy lifestyle, add ginger extract to your usual lemonade. It makes the tasty beverage more fragrant and amplifies its health-boosting potential.

Is Ginger Lemonade Healthy?

Ginger lemonade benefits your body in many ways:

1. Relieves Nausea

For centuries, ginger has been an effective home remedy for nausea and morning sickness (for pregnant women). Studies show that ginger supports the release of blood-pressure-regulating hormones to calm the body and hence, relieve nausea.

2. Supports the Immune System

Gingerol and vitamin C, respectively, are major constituents of ginger and lemons. Both are antioxidants that help build a strong immune system and fight against infections.

3. Aids Fat Loss

Studies show that ginger can reduce body mass index and blood insulin levels. High insulin indications are associated with obesity.

The mechanism behind its positive effects still needs further research, but experts suspect that ginger helps the body burn more calories than usual.

4. Controls Cholesterol Levels

Not only does ginger allow you to burn belly fat more effectively, it can also help you control your cholesterol levels.

Research shows that participants saw a significant drop in their LDL (bad) cholesterol levels by taking 5 grams of ginger every day. An older case in 2008 resulted in similar findings after participants took 3 grams of ginger per day and their cholesterol dropped by 10% over 45 days.

5. Helps Treat Chronic Indigestion

A cup of warm ginger water has long been a traditional (and effective) remedy for indigestion. Unlike some traditional treatments, this one has been scientifically proven.

A 2011 study found that ginger sped up the emptying of the stomach. The stomachs of participants who received ginger were cleared of food in 12.3 minutes, on average, compared to 16.1 minutes for the placebo group.

6. Reduces Risks of Cancer

Gingerol has been studied as an alternative remedy for different types of cancer. So far, though it’s not a complete cure, it has a positive effect on gastrointestinal cancers, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

What You’ll Need for Ginger Lemonade

Lemons, sugar, ginger, water, mint leaves for garnish and ice are included, similar to our lemonade recipe. You can skip the ice if you like and use hot water to make a soothing beverage that’s perfect for cold days.

If you love tea, feel free to brew your favorite tea for use in place of hot water. The drink will wake your body right up and give you the necessary nutrients for the day.

Is It Good to Drink Ginger Lemonade Every Day?

Here are a few things you should know about this drink.

1. It’s Acidic

So far, there is no evidence to suggest that acidic foods are harmful to our body’s health. However, their story is different for our teeth.

Our teeth are naturally coated by a translucent outer layer called “enamel”, which protects them from daily use like chewing foods. This layer can wear away if coming into frequent contact with acidic foods, resulting in tooth erosion.

To prevent this without having to cut down on acidic drinks, experts recommend reducing contact between our teeth and the drinks. This can be done by using a straw or simply by rinsing the mouth with warm water as soon as you finish your drink.

2. It Has Added Sugar

Our ginger lemonade (like most drinks) is sweetened with granulated sugar, which the USDA certainly doesn’t encourage us to go wild on. They say the calories from added sugar (including granulated sugar) should not exceed 10% of your day’s calories.

Therefore, although this drink only has 10 grams of sugar, it takes up about 20% of the recommended allotment. Ultimately, each person should consume less than 51.6 grams of sugar each day.

In conclusion, as long as you’re watching your sugar intake and practicing good oral hygiene, you can have this drink daily.

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