Medicinal Uses Of Coconut Roots.

 Coconuts are popularly known for their versatility of uses, ranging from food to medicine to cosmetics. This palm tree has roots that grow below the surface in a fibrous mass from the tree’s base. These roots can reach distances that are as far as how the tree is tall.

Coconut contains saponins and flavonoids, two notable substances that have amazing antioxidant properties. These important components rejuvenate the skin and the body when taken in the right dosage. The roots have been known as a key ingredient in traditional medicine.

Below are some of the known medicinal uses of coconut roots:

For those feeling itchy, simply get about 2-3 inches of coconut root and then brew boil with water. Drink a brew of the roots once a day within one week. Another method is by applying it to the skin. The idea is that around 450 mg of roots are squashed with some water until it forms a fine paste. Apply the paste on the area with rashes or eczema. It is also used to get relief from itching in the slit of toes.

For fibrosis, boil three to five finger-long pieces of roots and drink it for a few days.

When it comes to treating gall bladder and urinary infections as well as kidney-related diseases, we simply need to boil four or five well-washed roots in some lightly salted water and drink when cool.

For fever, diarrhea, and dysentery, have at least 15 g of coconut roots and boil with a glass of clean water for about 15 minutes. Strain the brew and wait until cool. Consume it regularly until fever and diarrhea are gone.

When it comes to oral health, coconut roots can be used as a good herbal mouth wash. Simply boil the roots in water and then take the boiled water as a mouth wash.

For heartburn, have a handful of coconut roots and then clean it and wash thoroughly. Place the roots in a container filled with water and a bit of salt. Heat up the container until it boils and then let it cool. Drink the tincture to help remove blood clots within blood vessels.

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