Nutritional Facts of Fresh Complexion Express, Pineapple and Cucumber Juice.
Read on to learn the benefits of pineapple cucumber juice and how to make your own. First, is this a fruit, vegetable, or fruit and veggie drink?
Are Pineapple and Cucumber Fruits?
Yes. Both pineapple and cucumber are fruits.
Almost everyone would agree that pineapple is a fruit. But when it comes to cucumber there is some confusion about whether it’s a fruit or vegetable.
Botanists (scientists who study plants) define fruits as the fleshy substance surrounding seeds, like oranges, mangoes, and tomatoes. They also classify them as the reproducing part of a flowering plant (ovary), while vegetables are roots, stems, and leaves.
Cucumber’s meaty texture and seeded center fit with the description of fruit. So why do chefs (and most people) still group them as vegetables?
The answer is coherence; it’s easier to group sweeter produce as fruits and savory ones as vegetables because it adds clarity to what to put together in dishes.
But pineapples don’t have seeds, so what makes them fruit?
What Is Pineapple and Cucumber Juice Good For?
The benefits of pineapple and cucumber juice span from immune-boosting properties to antihypertensive capabilities.
1. Less Sugar
Compared with store-bought juice, coffee, and adulterated teas, our beverage has less sugar and no preservatives.
A serving of Starbucks latte can include up to 42 grams of sugar, exceeding the daily sugar limit by 68%. Ours only contains 18 grams of sugar per serving, which is within the recommended guidelines.
2. Anti-Inflammatory
A top feature in our pineapple cucumber juice is the bromelain enzyme found in pineapple juice. Bromelain has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory functions, and among these is its ability to inhibit cancer cell growth that could lead to colon cancer.
Colon cancer is the third-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the US. Though it typically affects older people, you can get it at any age.
Including bromelain-rich beverages like this one in your diet is one way to help lower the risk of getting it.
3. Fights High Blood Pressure
Cucumber juice also provides benefits as a source of minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. A 2015 study showed how drinking it helped reduce sodium levels in the body and lowered blood pressure.
High fat/salt diets can lead to hypertension, and almost 50% of people in the US get this condition by age 60. But you don’t have to wait that long to incorporate this pineapple and cucumber juice into your diet.
How to Make Pineapple Cucumber Juice
Start with fresh pineapples and cucumbers. Bottled juice won’t cut it in this pineapple cucumber juice recipe in terms of refreshment.
Cut off the pineapple’s top and bottom ends and use a sharp knife to peel its skin. There’s no need to discard the pineapple core as it also contains juice and nutrients.
Cut pineapple and cucumber into medium chunks. Then run the pieces through a juicer and collect the liquid in a large pitcher.
Next, add lemon juice and sugar, and stir until the sugar dissolves.
Fill your glasses with ice cubes and pour in the pineapple cucumber juice.
Serve it garnished with fresh pineapple and mint leaves, and enjoy a cold, refreshing beverage.
With a few tweaks, you can achieve a pineapple juice with no added sugar or a basic cocktail using vodka.
Can I Drink Pineapple Cucumber Juice at Night?
Yes. It might even be better to have pineapple cucumber juice at night and enjoy more calorie-dense beverages in the morning.
By replacing high-calorie foods with a healthier filler, you can avoid munching on excess calories after dinner.
Some have it in the morning before having any other food. They believe this increases effectiveness since there will be no other food to disrupt the cleansing process.