7 Homemade Coconut Oil Hair Mask For Healthy Hair.

 The best effective and safe hair masks are the ones with coconut oil. The chemical masks are expensive and harmful to the skin and eyes too. The naturally got coconut oil masks are very popular as they penetrate the roots and can moisturize and repair the damage starting at the roots. The coconut oil hair masks help to give a shine and softness to the hair curing the hair of salt and chlorine damage.

Coconut And Lemon Juice Hair Mask For Dandruff Hair MaskTake 4 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix the lemon juice with the coconut oil. Apply the mixture onto the scalp gently massaging the scalp and leave it for 15 mins. Wash with a mild shampoo.


Coconut Oil, Milk And Avocado Hair Mask

 Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and ¼ cup of coconut milk and 1 ripe avocado. Grind the avocado pieces and make a smoothy without lumps with coconut milk. Add the coconut oil to this and mix well. Apply to the hair and let it rest for 20 mins. Wash hair thoroughly with warm water and leave it squeaky clean. Avocados have the quality of nourishment. It is best to treat dry and frizzy uncontrollable hair.


Coconut Oil And Aloe Vera Hair Mask


Take 1 tablespoon of aloe Vera gel and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Mix well both the ingredients. Apply this to the scalp and all through the hair till the tips and leave it on for ½ hour. Wash it with warm water to have glossy and shining hair.


Coconut Oil And Egg Hair Mask


Take one egg and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Whisk the egg thoroughly and add the oil to it. Mix and apply to the scalp and massage well. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with normal water and then wash it off with shampoo.

Coconut Oil And Honey


Take one tablespoon of honey and 4 tablespoons of coconut oil. Pour coconut oil and honey mixed into a pan and heat it on low fire and let it melt. Cool the mixture and apply it to the hair that is dry down to the split ends of the hair also cover the scalp with the mixture. Massage and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash hair carefully with a mild shampoo Honey is said to be the mother of all the ingredients when it comes to healing. Applying this pack will surely create some difference in your skin.

Coconut Oil And Castor Oil Hair Mask


Mix coconut oil and castor oil in a bowl. Apply the mixture gently to your hair that is dry. Massage it on your scalp well for a minimum of at least five minutes. Apply the oil covering the scalp and the hair to the ends. Cover with a shower cap and then rinse it off with a mild shampoo. Castor Oil has healing properties that help in keeping the skin hydrated and healthy. Try this mask and see the difference.


Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Honey, Egg Hair Mask


Mix all the above ingredients very well and apply them all over the hair. Leave it for ½ hour. Rinse hair with normal water. Apply this face mask at night for 20 min. and see the difference after washing your face. Improved hair growth and shine are guaranteed with this hair mask.

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