9 Alkaline Foods to Fight Diseases.

 The pH of the human blood is slightly alkaline. Maintaining this ideal alkaline environment helps in minimizing the risk of chronic ailments. Foods that are known to increase the acidity of the blood such as sugar, white bread, refined foods, processed foods and trans fats are associated with higher risks of diabetes, obesity, heart disorders and cancer. The only way to maintain the natural pH of the blood is to eat a sufficient amount of alkaline-forming foods. Ideally, your diet should contain 80% of alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods.

The Following Foods Are Especially Known For Their Alkaline Forming Property:


Lemon: Despite its acidic taste, lemon is classified as an alkaline food because it is a rich source of sodium-calcium and potassium. When digested, lemon forms an alkaline residue that helps in restoring the natural environment of the blood. To balance your body’s pH naturally, drink lemon water every morning on empty stomach. It is an excellent cleanser and is good for your digestive health.



Traditionally, lemon water is taken with a spoonful of honey to maintain the natural pH of the blood. While all the other sweeteners are infamous for their acid-forming property, honey is the only sweetener categorized as an alkaline food. For the best result, consume raw or unpasteurized honey. It is rich in enzymes and nutrients that help in fighting harmful microorganisms.


Sea Vegetables:


Sea vegetables or seaweeds are among the most alkaline foods. They are rich in alkaline minerals that help in balancing the pH of the blood naturally. You can add seaweed to your daily diet in a variety of ways to enjoy its health benefits.




Almond is the only alkaline-forming nut. To maintain the natural alkalinity of your blood, almonds should be first soaked in water overnight. Next morning, peel the almonds and grind them, preferably using a mortar and pestle. Mix the almond paste with some water or milk and take it with some honey, which is an alkaline sweetener. Combining almonds with another alkaline food is good for the health.


Leafy Green Vegetables:


Leafy and green vegetables are an essential component of an alkaline diet. Spinach, cabbage, broccoli, and all types of salad leaves are excellent alkaline-forming foods. Do not discard the water in which you boil or steam these vegetables. The vegetable stock is rich in alkaline-forming compounds. Furthermore, leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.




Avocado is an alkaline-forming superfood. It is rich in potassium which helps in maintaining the natural alkalinity of the blood. Moreover, avocado contains healthy fats that help in lowering the cholesterol level in the blood.


Dried Figs:


Dried figs are among the world’s most alkaline foods. Even fresh fig is more alkaline than most of the other well-known alkaline fruits and vegetables. Dried figs are a concentrated source of iron and copper. They are also rich in calcium. All these minerals are essential for maintaining the optimal pH of the blood.



Cucumber is rich in compounds that form alkaline residues following digestion. The alkaline environment created by consuming cucumber helps in fighting chronic ailments. Furthermore, it helps in maintaining the electrolyte balance and keeps the body hydrated.




Sprouts are an excellent alkaline food. The more mature a sprout is the higher the content of alkaline-forming compounds. All kinds of pulses can be sprouted and added to the diet. They are known as biogenic food that helps in increasing the energy level.

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