The fruit pawpaw is indeed one of the most popularly cultivated crops in the world, its fruit, leaves and seeds are extensively used to make effective medicines. Pawpaw leaf contains some plant compounds which have shown some pharmacological potential in animal studies.
Pawpaw leaf can be used to prepare tablets, teas, juices and it is also used to treat a lot of ailments thereby promoting fitness in many ways. Certainly, pawpaw leaf juice is gaining importance in a world of nutrition for packing amazing health benefits. Just like pawpaw, the leaf is also very rich in enzymes like chymopapain and papain which increases the platelet count.
Not just pawpaw leaves, but onions too have a lot benefits apart from helping the eyes. It helps promote hair growth, suppress cough and fever and many others. When onion is combined with pawpaw leaves, it gives an amazing result. In this article, I will telling amd show you how to effectively use pawpaw leaves and onions to get their health benefits.
How To Prepare;
1. Get 5 slices of papaya (pawpaw) leaves and 2 onions
2. Wash them thoroughly and cut them into small pieces so it can fit into the blender.
3. After blending, pour the juice in a plate, cup or clean container
4. Drink twice daily, morning and night
Health Benefits Of The Mixture
1 . It cures menstrual pains
2. It lowers blood sugar levels
3. It helps to treat skin problems
4. It can reduce the risk of having cancer
5. It helps to treat heart diseases
6. It helps in digestion
7. It treats Dengue fever
8. It promotes hair growth