15 Excellent Health Benefits and Nutritional Facts Of Sugarcane Juice That Blow Your Mind.

 A hot summer season and a chilled sugarcane juice is an excellent combination to enjoy a hot afternoon. This delicious sugarcane juice is not only relishing but also nourishing. It is considered healthy according to traditional Indian medicine. It does not mean pure sugar, but it contains water, fibers, and some amount of sucrose.

Sugar cane Juice 

Sugarcane is scientifically known as Saccharum officinarum from  the Poaceae family. It is grown in subtropical and tropical areas. It has grown tremendously in India after Brazil. Sugarcane is the world’s largest crop by production quantity, with 1.8 billion tons. There are varieties of sugarcane that grow around the year in different parts of India. Topical sugarcane cultivates in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Pondicherry, and Kerala.

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Nutritional facts about sugarcane juice

 Sugarcane comes with abundant nutrients that include – 

  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Vitamins (A, B-complex and C) and,
  • Minerals like phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, and iron
  • Antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds
  • Fibers

Health benefits of sugarcane juice

We love to drink sugarcane juice, but we never think about its health benefits. It relishes your taste buds and satisfies your mind. Here we will see the health benefits of sugarcane 

1: Energy booster

Sugarcane is a natural source of sucrose that is the powerhouse of our energy. It normalizes the release of glucose in your body to regain lost sugar levels. Sugarcane juice hydrates your body and reduces your fatigue caused due to hot weather. This juice provides you carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals that help you to deal with dryness.



2.May help in jaundice

Sugarcane is one of the best remedies for jaundice, according to Ayurveda. It helps to strengthen your liver. Sugarcane juice has various antioxidants that help combat liver infections and maintain bilirubin levels in control. In jaundice, your body breaks down proteins enormously and raised the bilirubin in your blood. Sugarcane juice helps replenish the lost protein count rapidly. 

3: Diuretic in nature

Sugarcane juice has excellent diuretic properties that help eliminate toxins and infections from your body. Drinking sugarcane juice will help to prevent urinary tract infections and kidney stones. It also ensures the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Mix some coconut water and lemon in the sugarcane juice and drink this mixture two times a day to get relief from the burning sensation.

4: Improve digestion

For digestive distress, sugarcane juice works as a digestive tonic. It is high in potassium that balances the pH levels in the stomach. Sugarcane juice facilitates the secretion of digestive juices and keeps the system on track. Sugarcane also contains a good amount of fibers that help clear your digestive tract and reduce constipation.

5: Prevent aging

If you are looking for a remedy for anti-aging and fine skin lines, sugarcane juice may help. It contains antioxidants, phenolic acid, and flavonoids. It helps in moisturizing the skin and making it soft and glowing from the inside. Glycolic acid in sugarcane helps to maintain the radiance of the skin too. 



6: Make bones and teeth stronger

Sugarcane is an excellent source of calcium for a growing kid. It smoothens the dentition period and also provides strength to their bones. It is not only beneficial for kids but also for adults. Drinking a glass of sugarcane juice can keep your bones strong as you age and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. 

7: Immunity booster

Sugarcane is a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants that may boost your immunity. Presence flavonoids – help the body stave off cancerous cells, especially prostate and breast cancer. Sugarcane juice work excellent for digestive and liver problems. The potent antioxidants in it can also neutralize the secretion of bilirubin levels in the body.

Helpful in diabetes patients

Sugarcane has natural sugar that prevents spikes in blood glucose levels. When consumed in moderation, sugarcane juice may prove to be beneficial for patients who have diabetes. 

9: Helpful in pregnancy

Sugarcane is rich in nutrients that are essential during pregnancy, such as folic acid, vitamin B complex, antioxidants, and calcium. The presence of folic acid and vitamin B9 has proven to reduce the chances of congenital neural disabilities such as spina bifida in babies.

10: May reduce fever

High fever presents with a lot of weakness and body pains. Sugarcane juice help replenish the loss of protein during fever and makes your recovery rapid. Sugarcane juice works wonderfully in individuals who suffer from a fever with seizures.

11. Can Cure Acne

When sugarcane juice is applied topically, it can significantly reduce skin problems such as acne. Sugarcane juice comprises alpha-hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid. This amplifies cell turnover. Glycolic acid exfoliates the skin, removing acne build-up. 



How to Use:

  • Combine fuller’s earth and sugarcane juice into a mask-like consistency.
  • Apply on the neck and face and let it stay for about 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with water and pat dry your face.

12. Sugarcane Juice Keeps Away Tooth Decay

Sugarcane juice has a number of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus that aid in strengthening teeth and developing tooth enamel. It helps to tackle the problem of bad breath that arises due to tooth decay which in turn occurs as a result of nutritional deficiencies. 

13. Reduces Pain Associated with STDs/UTIs

If you are suffering from body inflammation arising out of Urinary tract infections, Sexually transmitted diseases, prostatitis and kidney stones you can consume sugarcane juice combined with lemon juice and coconut water to get relief. 

14. Effective Remedy for Febrile Disorders

The febrile disorder is quite common in infants and children and is generally marked by fever, seizures and a protein deficiency in the body. Sugarcane juice is a great remedy against febrile disorder as it helps to regenerate the body with lost proteins and helps the body on the path to faster recovery. 

15. Speeds up Wound Healing

Sugarcane juice is enriched with natural sucrose which is a potent ingredient for quickening wound recovery. Aside from consuming this wonder drink, if you have sustained wounds from an accident you can also apply the juice to the area to speed up the healing process.Read More.

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