Beauty Parlour Stroke Syndrome: Vividly Explained!
A visit to the parlour is a happy occasion wherein you can spend quality time showing your hair and skin some much-deserved love and get refuelled mentally and physically. Daily work-life stress can take a toll on your physical appearance. Weekly or monthly grooming by beauty experts rejuvenates your hair and skin and makes you feel good about your appearance.
However, your day of rest and relaxation can take an unpleasant turn. Of late, the Beauty Parlour Stroke Syndrome is being discussed. What is it and are you at risk of experiencing it? It is better to be safe than sorry. That’s why you should learn about this syndrome.
What is beauty parlour stroke syndrome?
As per a recent incident reported, senior neurologists have said that the procedure of hair wash at a parlour can sometimes cause a stroke. The action of tilting the head backwards to wash the hair stretches the neck unnaturally, limiting blood circulation to the brain. This may even cause blood vessels in the neck region to compress or rupture, which can lead to bleeding or clotting. The clot can move up to the brain, causing a stroke.
Early warning signs of beauty parlour stroke syndrome
The symptoms of a typical stroke which everyone must be aware of, are
- Numbness on the side of the face, leg or arms.
- Dizziness >
- Trouble speaking/ slurred speech.
- Difficulty with comprehending people.
- Severe headache
- Behavioural changes
- Numbness on any part of the body.
- Drooping eyes and corner of the mouth.
The signs of beauty parlour stroke syndrome may include nausea, vomiting and dizziness, migraines, headaches, blurry vision, swelling at the neck region and changes in taste.
If you experienced any or most of these symptoms at the time of getting your hair washed at the parlour, you must ask someone to take you to the nearest hospital immediately and get your check-up done. The doctors may inject blood thinners or suggest to you other treatment options as they seem suitable, taking your vital stats, age and overall health into consideration. A few days of complete rest will also be suggested.
Is there a way to prevent this?
Doctors have recommended maintaining caution even while you are aiming to relax and de-stress. Although getting your hair washed by someone else while you are lying on a recliner can be quite relaxing, you must always be careful that your head is not being twisted too much.
Be watchful of any discomfort during hair wash and speak up immediately.
Make sure you are comfortable and your hair is not stretched out a lot.
Prefer hair washing at home when possible.
If you feel dizzy and nauseous when your hair is being washed with hyperextension of the neck, state your discomfort to the staff, stop the treatment and lie down totally. You must also ensure to get a check-up done right away. Hyperextension of the neck can be dangerous.
Rehabilitation at home
In the event of experiencing a stroke, aside from taking doctor-prescribed medications, one will also need to tweak their lifestyle a little to ensure a safe and speedy recovery. This must include the following aspects:
- Exercise: Exercising regularly ensures proper blood circulation, keeps the heart, mind and body healthy and maintains complete wellness. Light exercises such as yoga coupled with pranayama support metabolism increase and aid the pancreas to function optimally.
- Quit white sugar: If quitting white sugar has been on your to-do list for quite some time now, the right moment is now, especially after your stroke. Natural sugars derived from Mother Nature, like honey and jaggery >, not only provide more nutrients and energy but also help in quick rehabilitation.
- Include vegetables: Incorporating vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus and cabbage that are low in glycemic indexes and loads is also strongly recommended.
- Early dinner and sleep: To recover quickly, getting sound sleep for at least 6-7 hours is essential because it is during our sleep that the body repairs itself from daily wear and tear. To ensure that you get restful sleep daily, keeping a gap of three hours between your bedtime and sleep time is advised.
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Going to the parlour is a fun activity and you do not need to totally omit it from your life for fear of a stroke. A beauty parlour stroke syndrome, according to doctors, can be avoided with proper awareness. If there is a family history of stroke or if you had one in the past, you should avoid opting for shampooing services at a parlour. Ensure that proper support is provided to you by the parlour staff with the help of a towel or cushion so that no strain is put on the neck region. In case of any physical discomfort, notify the staff and seek medical attention right away.
Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.