Powerful Health benefits of Lemongrass.

 Cymbopogon citratus, commonly known as lemon grass or oil grass, is actually a tropical plant native to tropical Asia mostly southern parts of India and Sri Lanka. It is a frost-tender clumping perennial grass that is commonly used as a lemony flavoring in Thai, Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian cooking and is widely cultivated in Southeast Asia for that purpose. It is also an outstanding ornamental grass from grass family of Poaceae. Some of the popular common names of the plant are Citronella grass, Fever grass, Lemon grass, Lemon-scented grass, West Indian lemon grass, barbed wire grass, Melissa grass, oil grass and Squinant. Genus name comes from the Greek words kymbe meaning a boat and pogon meaning a beard. Specific epithet means resembling Citrus for the scent.

Sharp, lemony flavor and scent make it a flavorful addition to stir-fries, soups, curries and marinades, especially in Vietnamese and Thai cuisines. Its green outer stalks can be brewed into a tea that is popular in folk medicine traditions as a treatment for a variety of diseases. In fact, lemongrass may contain compounds that can improve your health as well as the taste of your cooking, though more research is needed before it can be recommended as a treatment for any condition.

Plant Description

Lemon grass is an aromatic tropical, evergreen, perennial grass that grows about 2 to 4 feet in height and 3 feet in diameter. The plant usually prefers well-drained, moist, rich loam soil with high organic content. It can tolerate poor soils if provided sufficient moisture and good drainage. Water logged soils should be avoided. Leaves are bluish green, thin, blade-like with drooping, pointed tips. Leaves change color from green to red during the autumn. Crushed leaves emit lemony aroma. Flowers are small, white, creamy or green, densely packed in terminal spikes. Flowers of lemongrass are designed for pollination by wind. Flowers are followed by caryopsis (type of dry fruit which does not split to release seed). Due to its sharp, lemony flavor and scent it is a flavorful addition to stir-fries, soups, curries and marinades, mainly in Vietnamese and Thai cuisines.

Health benefits of Lemon Grass

Lemongrasses have been documented to get countless healing along with other health advantages. Traditionally used to ease a particular respiratory problem which includes laryngitis and also sore throats, lemongrass has gained an identity because of its anti-pyretic property that decreases higher fevers. Known as fever grass in certain cultures the vapor is breathed in, resulting in elevated sweating and finally the complete elimination of fever. Listed here are the health advantages of lemongrass:

1. Prevents Cancer

Lemongrass is quite effective in treating various types of cancers without affecting the healthy normal cells of the body. Research has shown promising outcomes in the prevention of skin cancer. Studies have shown that a certain component, citral, which is present in lemongrass, helps in inhibiting the growth of hepatic cancer cells during the initial phase and prevents any further production of cancerous cells.

2.Stomach Disorders

Research has shown that lemongrass essential oil has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties which help in fighting the infections caused by various pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori and Escherichia coli. It is beneficial in the prevention of gastrointestinal disorders such as gastric ulcers, helps in stimulating the bowel function, and improves digestion. Anti-inflammatory property of lemongrass is beneficial for treating constipation, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, nausea and stomach aches.

3. Reduces Aches

Lemongrass helps to alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by headaches and migraines due to its analgesic properties. Phytonutrients present in it improve blood circulation and help in relieving spasms, muscle cramps, sprains, and backaches. It is appreciated in treating sports wounds, including dislocations, internal injuries, and bruises.

4. Lowers Cholesterol

Lemongrass possesses anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-hyper cholesterol emic properties that support healthy cholesterol levels. Research has shown that the frequent consumption of lemongrass has shown significant results in sustaining healthy levels of triglycerides and reducing the LDL cholesterol in the body. This helps in preventing the buildup of lipids in the blood vessels and promotes an unobstructed flow of blood in the arteries, preventing various cardiac disorders such as atherosclerosis.

5. Treats Infections

Lemongrass works as an antiseptic and is effective in treating infections such as ringworm, sores, Athlete’s Foot, scabies, and urinary tract infections (UTI) because of its antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. Research has shown that lemongrass exerts healing effects on dermatological infections, such as yeast infections, by inhibiting the growth of pathogens. Another study  provides supporting evidence that demonstrated the efficacy of lemongrass over thyme, patchouli, and Cedarwood oil in the treatment of various diseases such as oral or vaginal candidiasis.

6. Boosts Immunity

Lemongrass helps in restoring the vital systems which are operational in the body, including digestion, respiration, excretion and nervous system. This assists in the better absorption of nutrients and strengthening of the immune defense mechanism of the body. Lemongrass extracts have a beneficial effect on the inflammatory actions of cytokines, which are the signaling molecules through which the cells communicate and respond to the body. Studies have shown that lemongrass exerts anti-inflammatory action and its constituent, citral, may be the cause of its inhibitory effect on cytokine production.

7. Cellular Health

Lemongrass possesses antioxidant qualities and helps in protecting the body cells from oxygen-derived free radicals. It also helps in the cleansing of blood and strengthening the spleen to discard the tarnished red blood cells. It supports the function of the thymus glands which helps produce white blood cells. It helps in stimulating the regeneration of cells. The folate and potassium content in the stem and leaves of lemongrass aids in DNA synthesis and promotes cell division.

Lemongrass consists of citral, which has been proven to be effective in combating obesity. It prevents the accumulation of abdominal fat and promotes the use of stored energy, which helps in preventing diet-induced weight gain. It aids in healthy metabolism and enhances the oxidation of fatty acids in the body.

8. Detoxifies the Body

Lemongrass helps in cleansing and flushing harmful toxic wastes out of the body, as a result of its diuretic properties. Detoxification helps in the regulation of various organs of the body, including the liver and kidney, while also helping to lower the levels of uric acid. Diuretic effect of lemongrass helps in increasing the quantity and frequency of urination, which helps in maintaining digestive health, eliminating accrued fats, and assisting in maintaining a clean system.

9. Staphylococcus aureus

Research has shown that lemongrass essential oil has an anti-biofilm capacity and is beneficial against the infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus. It contains phenols which possess the capability to spread quickly through the body tissues and cure biofilms located anywhere in the body. It disturbs the growth and communication of germs, which helps in inhibiting the formation of the biofilms. The essential oil of lemongrass is used for application, both topically as well as internally to cure the diseases diagnosed with biofilms, such as Lyme disease. 

10. Treats Insomnia

Lemongrass aids in calming muscles and nerves, which helps in inducing deep sleep. Research has shown that lemongrass tea has sedative and hypnotic properties which help in increasing the duration of sleep.

11. Type-2 Diabetes

Lemongrass has been proven beneficial in treating type-2 diabetes. Studies have shown that the citral present in it help maintain optimum levels of insulin and improve the tolerance of glucose in the body.

12. Insect Repellent

Lemongrass is used as a natural insect repellent and helps in preventing the occurrence of insect-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, and Lyme disease. Research has provided supporting evidence regarding the anti-malarial and anti-protozoan properties of lemongrass, which makes lemongrass oil an effective ingredient in mosquito repellents.

13. Aromatherapy

Lemongrass consists of the beneficial ingredients of essential oils such as nerol, citronellol, myrcene, dipentene, geraniol and methyl heptenone which possess anti-fungal, insecticidal, and antiseptic properties. Lemongrass oil is expansively used in aromatherapy, due to its therapeutic effects, which help in revitalizing the body. The cooling effect of lemongrass oil is beneficial for the body during hot weather and promotes the revival of both the mind and soul. This oil possesses natural astringent and toning qualities which help in stimulating blood circulation and tones up the dermal tissues. It also helps in tightening, uplifting and firming lethargic or sagging skin.

14. Body Odor

Lemongrass is used in the manufacturing of deodorants due to its cleansing and antibacterial properties which help combat unpleasant body-odor and prevent fungal and bacterial infections. It can also be added to footbaths for sanitizing sore and odorous feet.

15. Cures Fever

Lemongrass is also known as the ‘fever grass’, due to its beneficial effects in lowering fever. The anti-pyretic and diaphoretic effect of lemongrass is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for curing fevers by inducing sweating.

16. Respiratory Disorders

Lemongrass is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicine for its healing effects in treating cough and cold. Vitamin C present in it helps in providing relief from nasal blockages, flu and other respiratory disorders such as bronchial asthma.

17. Skin Care

Lemongrass has been treasured as a skin tonic and makes an effective cleanser for oily or acne-prone skin, due to its astringent and antiseptic qualities. It helps in strengthening the skin tissues and toning up the pores while also sterilizing them. Care should be taken while using lemongrass products, as the undiluted application might lead to dermal irritation in some cases.

18. For common colds and flu

Lemon grass provides a very effective treatment for blockage, with no unwanted effects. Boil water, include tea and lemon grass. Allow it to brew for a couple minutes. After that strain it, include some honey as well as drink it without milk. If at all possible, drink a couple of cups each day. Lemon grass is recognized to provide relief to those people irritating body aches you’ve when you are down along with flu.

19. Treats Edema

Lemongrass is effective in curing the condition of water retention or edema. It has a cleansing effect on lymphatic congestion and helps soothe the swelling.

20. Prevents Rheumatism

Lemongrass is effective in relieving the pain and discomfort caused by rheumatism. It can be applied topically on both lumbago and sprains and helps in relieving neuralgia.

22. Nervous System

Lemongrass is nervine and has been proven to be a tonic for the nervous system. It encourages the mind and helps in combating convulsions, nervousness, vertigo, and various neuronal disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It is used in therapeutic baths, which assist in calming the nerves and relieving the symptoms of anxiety and fatigue caused by stress.

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