Natural Remedies For Cystitis That Works Perfectly.

 Cystitis is one of the most common infections a woman can get and one of the most painful. If you've ever had cystitis you won't need reminding of the sharp searing pain of a bladder infection. The normal course of action for me was to take antibiotics to deal with the infection which would invariably destroy my gut flora and leave me vulnerable to thrush for which I would need a course of Canesten. When it happens once it's easy to brush it off as a rubbish turn of events but when you get thrush every time you have to take antibiotics for Cystitis you think, enough is enough!

There has got to be a better way. And sure enough there is, in the form of herbs.

Cystitis means inflammation (itis) of the bladder (cyst) and so it's no wonder it feels like your urethra is on fire! If you use this treatment protocol and it doesn't go away in a few days or only gets worse you must see a doctor/health practitioner.

If you're on medication it's important to check this advice doesn't contraindicate with what you already take. 

Normal symptoms of cystitis include:

Cloudy urine

Sharp pain when urinating

Urgent need to go frequently

Urge to go despite small amounts of pee

Urinary tract infections account for 20% of all antibiotic prescriptions in the UK (Smith, 2018). But with the increasing resistance of bugs to these drugs it's imperative we learn how to treat things like cystitis ourselves. Antibiotics won't always be there (Felter, 2019).

Bladder infections should never be ignored as they can travel to the kidney and cause so much trouble it can do damage to the kidneys and you can even lose function in them. Taking pain killers and getting on with your day as normal is not enough. It's important when you treat your own cystitis that you understand a few signs which should always be referred to the doctors:

Red Flags

Blood in the urine

A fever

Low back pain


Quick & Simple Home Remedies 

When it comes to cystitis the faster you get to treating it the less severe and long the symptoms will be. Even if it's just a tiny twinge be sure to drink pints of water that day and you will probably flush it out before it has a chance to get worse. Because of the speed with which treatment needs to occur it's normal to find yourself without herbal supplies. So these home remedies are good to know because they're easy to come by. 

Apple cider vinegar. This will change the pH of the bladder making it less hospitable for bugs.Bicarbonate of soda. This does the same as the apple cider vinegar.Flat leaf parsley tea. This is a lovely anti-inflammatory and it immediately relieves the pain.Cranberry juice concentrate. Everyone should have this in their house as the shelf life is enormous so you can have it just in case of infections.Thyme tea. This is Antibacterial and really seals the deal on killing the bugs.

Apple cider vinegar. This will change the pH of the bladder making it less hospitable for bugs.

Bicarbonate of soda. This does the same as the apple cider vinegar.

Flat leaf parsley tea. This is a lovely anti-inflammatory and it immediately relieves the pain.

Cranberry juice concentrate. Everyone should have this in their house as the shelf life is enormous so you can have it just in case of infections.

Thyme tea. This is Antibacterial and really seals the deal on killing the bugs.

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