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Breast Cancer Symptoms;Dietary choices to help prevent it.

Breast cancer   is a complex disease with many contributing factors. Some of these factors, including age, family history, genetics, and ge...

Practitioner 4 Aug, 2022

15 health benefits of pomegranate juice; What is the Best time to Eat?

Pomegranate is a fruit that contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. Pomegranate juice may have a range of beneficial prope...

Practitioner 4 Aug, 2022

High Cholesterol - Causes, Symptoms: Pain Sensations & Treatments

What is high cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in your blood. It's produced naturally in the liver.  Everyone has ch...

Practitioner 3 Aug, 2022

Dental Health -10 Bad Habits that are Ruining Your Teeth and Gums.

Many of us are told as children not to do certain things with our teeth if we don’t wish to damage them. For a certain time, that actually...

Practitioner 3 Aug, 2022