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The Best Foods to Increase Blood Flow and Circulation.

Proper blood flow is essential to ensure optimum delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, which helps promote health and wellbe...

Practitioner 19 Aug, 2022

The Health Benefits of King Oyster Mushrooms.

Packed full of flavor and with an impressive nutrition profile to boot, oyster mushrooms should be a welcomed addition to a healthy nutrit...

Practitioner 17 Aug, 2022

8 Unknown Benefits Of Mango Leaves.

Mango leaves? Many people have raised their eyebrows by reading this. As we all are huge fans of mango fruit, we can eat mangoes at any ti...

Practitioner 16 Aug, 2022

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Gastritis.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Many things can cause gastritis. Most often the cause is infection with the bacteria  ...

Practitioner 8 Aug, 2022