Here are some home remedies which can help you to treat dark spots and Acne naturally.
Skin is our largest organ and it has many common conditions for which we seek help no matter if medicinal or with the help of natural remedies. Many people suffer from dark spots on their faces and they want to remove them. Most common people get dark spots when they spend too much time out in the sun and this condition is known as hyperpigmentation. But, it is known that not just external factors can cause dark spots on your body.
But, the good news is that there are a lot of natural remedies which can help you to treat the dark spots naturally. If you find that some areas of your skin are darker than others, then do not panic. With the help of home remedies, you can rid of them.
Here are some home remedies which can help you to treat the dark spots naturally:
This home remedy is used a lot by many different medicines due to its medicinal properties. You should combine two tablespoons of rice water, 2 tablespoons of flour, and one teaspoon turmeric in a glass or bowl and then mix these ingredients well. Then, you should dib Q – tip on the bowl and dab it on the dark spots of your skin. Then, let this home remedy stay on your skin for twenty minutes. You should rinse with lukewarm water and then finish off using your favorite serum and moisturizer.
You can brighten your overall skin tone with the help of a natural exfoliant like papaya. Papaya has a fruit acid known as alpha–hydroxyl acids and this is a chemical exfoliant. These fruit acids are used for dry skin and anti-aging and it works to improve the skin by removing the top layers of the skin by weakening the lipids which bond them together, and at the same time, they will remove the dull and dead skin cells and reveal healthy skin cells.
This home remedy is very effective in breaking down the skin cells and increasing the collagen production, because it has the ability to remove dead particles. Papaya will help to brighten your skin and it will give your skin youthful appearance. You should mash ripe papaya in a bowl and apply it as a mask to clean skin as your home remedy for treating dark spots. When you are removing the mask, you can also use gentle and circular motions for a bit of added exfoliation to the dead top layer of the skin cells.
This is one of the most effective home remedies which you can use to treat dark spots naturally. You should mix one teaspoon orange zest, one teaspoon sandalwood powder, and orange juice as needed. Then, mix all of these ingredients in a bowl. You can add orange juice as much as needed to get a smooth paste. Then, apply this home remedy to your face and neck and let it stay there for 15 minutes. Then, rinse with the help of lukewarm water and finish off using your favorite serum and moisturizer. You should repeat this natural treatment one to two times per week.
Almond oil:
This is a skin-strengthening ingredient that is used both in the kitchen and on the complexion is sweet almond oil, which is used by many people to treat discolorations of the skin. But, the usage of almond oil in cooking is not as much as the usage of the skin, because it is fortified with vitamins and minerals which can make the skin better.
The almond oil has Vitamin E and niacin which can help with hyperpigmentation and improve skin tone. The sweet almond is non – comedogenic you can add it to your nightly routine as a makeup remover or moisturizer to help protect the skin barrier.
Lemon has citric acid and Vitamin C, which are acting as a bleaching agents and lighten black spots. You can use lemon water with sugar, water, or yogurt to achieve clearer skin.
Onion juice:
This home remedy is rich in antioxidants and vitamins which can help you to rid of the dark spots in a natural way.
You should combine one cup of chopped parsley, ½ teaspoon baking soda, and one tablespoon yogurt in a glass bowl and then mix it well. You should apply this home remedy to your face, neck, and chest for 15 minutes and then rinse it. Then, rinse with lukewarm water finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer. You should repeat this home remedy two times per week.
Pineapple juice:
This home remedy has a component known as bromelain that is known for its ability to firm up the skin, prevent wrinkle formation and make the skin soft. Also, it can help you to rid of the dark spots.
This is one of the most used vegetables which can boost collagen production. It can fight against free radicals and it can help in the prevention of dark spots, so you can add it in your diet.
You should cut a slice of lemon and gently apply to the affected areas for ten minutes in theaffected areas for ten minutes in the morning and in the evening. If you have sensitive skin, then you can combine one tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of water or rose water in a glass bowl. Then, dip your cotton pad and apply it to your skin. Then, you need to rinse the affected area with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer. You will see a difference in lightness in a period of two times.
Yogurt is an item that every household has. It is a natural skin–brightening component which can help you to fade dark spots by exfoliating the skin. The yogurt has chemically exfoliating properties, which can break down dead skin cells thanks to lactic acid, which is found in naturally in dairy products. You should use yogurt with cow’s milk, because this is effective in calming the skin, because it has lactic acid. Lactic acid can help to improve the discoloration and age spots. It is noticed that lactic acid is better than other chemical exfoliants.
Aloe Vera:
You can apply Aloe Vera juice or natural Aloe Vera gel directly to dark spots for thirty minutes in the morning and evening. Then, you need to rinse the areas applied with paste using lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
You can apply buttermilk to the dark spots and let it stay there for about 15 – 20 minutes. Then, rinse this home remedy using lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer. If you suffer from acne or you have oily skin, then you should add lime juice or little lemon. Then, rinse this home remedy with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
Apple cider vinegar:
You need to mxi equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water in a bowl. Then, stir this home remedy well and apply it on the dark spots. Also, you can try mixing a few drops of lemon juice with the vinegar. Also, there is another effective recipe for dark spots and that is to combine 3 tablespoons of orange juice with ½ tablespoon of vinegar. You should rinse it with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and Moisturizer.
You can apply horseradish paste to your skin for 15 minutes. Then, rinse it with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer. You need to repeat this type of natural treatment two to three times per week. If you want to get a more aggressive remedy, then you should combine one piece of grated horseradish four-five inches long and one–half cup of apple cider vinegar in a glass jar.
Then, mix well and let it stay there for two weeks and shake the mixture once per day. After two weeks, you should apply this home remedy to your dark spots, three times per day in a period of one month. Then, put this home remedy in the refrigerator.
This home remedy has many vitamins and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6 which can help to exfoliate dead skin cells. It can help you in the natural treatment of dark spots.
This home remedy has anti – inflammatory properties and you can use it as a scrub to help lighten dark spots and get clearer skin.
Garbanzo beans:
You should combine a can of mashed chickpeas and 1/3 of water. Then, apply this home remedy to dark spots. You should rinse this home remedy with lukewarm water and then finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer. You need to repeat this type of natural treatment on daily basis.