How To Maintain Water Levels Normally;Benefits of water for our bodies.

 We know that more than fifty percent of our body weight is water. If we do not have water, then we could not maintain a normal body temperature, lubricate our joints to get rid of waste through bowel movements, sweat, and urination. Many people ask themselves how much water they should drink on daily basis for their weight. But, it depends on their size and weight, as well as on their acidity level and where you live. In general, it is recommended to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day.

If you weigh 150 pounds, then this will be 75 – 150 ounces of water on a daily basis. The water intake calculator can help you to know the approximate amount of water you need to consume in relation to the amount of time you will exercise and your body weight. Our bodies use water throughout the day. It is eliminated through bowel movements, urine, sweating, perspiration, and even breathing.

You should ensure that you replenish any water you lose by consuming drinks and foods items that contain water, so you will be sure that your body is functioning as it should. Our kidneys can regulate water levels in the body. They conserve water if you are dehydrated. These body organs can make your urine more dilute to expel excess water if necessary. Water is lost through your skin through evaporation from the skin surface without overt sweating and from air expelled from the lungs. If you feel thirsty, then you should not doubt to drink water.

Benefits of water for our bodies:

Water makes up an estimated sixty percent of the body weight. It is a critical chemical component that your body depends on to survive. We know that our bodies are made of cells, tissues, and organs and they need water to function. If you do not consume enough water, then you will become dehydrated. This will affect your body’s ability to work properly. Even if you have a minor case of dehydration, you can feel lethargic and lack energy.

When you drink enough water, then it can help to prevent bad breath by flushing away food particles and bacteria. Also, it can help in weight loss. When you drink two eight-ounce glasses of water before your meals, then this will reduce your tendency to eat more. Adequate hydration can help your body to break down and burn fat at a faster rate.

How to maintain water levels normally:

How To Maintain Water Levels Normally

Drinking water will not just quench your thirst. It is essential to keep your body functioning properly and feeling healthy. Almost all of your body’s major systems depend on water to function and survive. You will be surprised about what staying hydrated can do for your body.


It is recommended to drink 11.5 cups of water on a daily basis for women. While for men the recommended dosage is 15.5 cups. When you are consuming the minimum recommendation of water, you are helping your body to function better and improve your overall health. You should drink one glass of water after every bathroom break and before meals. You can drink a glass of water until you wait for your coffee to brew. Or, you can set a rule to drink a glass of water before the second cup of coffee. You should sip water during workouts.

You should set a goal to drink at least one bottle of water on the drive to work and another from work. You should drink water with a straw or a water bottle with a spout, as it can help you to increase your intake. You should use a water bottle to have water available at all times and to help you track daily intake. You should keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator (just plain filtered, infused, or flavored). You can add variety by drinking zero-calorie sparkling water with or without flavoring.

You can infuse water with fresh fruit, vegetables, and herbs. It is recommended to drink a water-based beverage (such as water, juice, or milk) with every meal and snack, between 8 and 16 oz. You need to drink a minimum of eight to ten cups per day. But, if you are more active, then you should aim for ten to twelve cups on daily basis. You need to drink extra water, so in this way, you will cover the fluid loss. You need to drink water before your workout, during your workout, and after your workout.

Keep a water intake journal:

When you see your track record, it can help you to feel motivated and it can help you to maintain your fluid requirements. You can try one of the many apps that track fluids, calories, and nutrients.

Winter drink:

When you drink ice water in the winter, it can make you feel even cooler. This can hinder your intake. So, you should try occasionally to skip the ice or opt for a warm drink, such as sugar–free hot cocoa or caffeine-free tea.

Avoid sugary and artificially sweetened drinks:

It is recommended to limit the intake of drinks that contain added sugar. They include sugar-sweetened soft drinks and cordials, sports drinks, energy, flavored mineral water, vitamin–style water, and fruit drinks. When you have sugary drinks, you can get additional energy to your diet, but they do not add essential nutrients. This is strong evidence of the association between having sugary drinks and excess weight gain in both adults and children, as well as reduced bone strength and tooth decay.

Artificially sweetened drinks add very little energy to your diet and this is a reason why they do not contribute directly to weight gain. Artificially sweetened drinks still keep the habit of drinking sweet drinks.

Add citrus:

You can add a slice of lemon or lime to your water. It can improve the taste and make you to drink more water than you usually do.

Order water when eating out:

This can help you to stay hydrated. Also, it will help you to save money and reduce calories all at the same time.

Crushed red pepper:

You should add crushed red pepper to your meals because the spice will increase your need for water. Studies have shown that red pepper can help to boost your metabolism.

Low or no-calorie beverages:

You should drink plain coffee or teas, sparkling water, seltzers, and flavored water. They are low in calories, but they can be part of your daily healthy diet in your way of adding more water.

Carry a water bottle with you:

It is one of the best ways to maintain your hydration levels when you are doing outdoor activities or when you are running errands, especially in the warmer months. You should aim for reusable bottles and make sure that they are BPA – free.

Eat your water:

Most of the fluids which you need are met through water and beverages which you drink. But, you can get some fluids from your food as well. For example, foods that have high water content and broth soups, such as melons, tomatoes, or celery can contribute to fluid intake.

Dilute juices:

For some people, vegetable juices or fruit juices taste too thick or sweet. Some people just do not want the extra calories. You should try diluting them with water or for a fizzy kick, you can use club soda.

You should add calorie-free, fruit-flavored waters to add some variety:

Some versions are flavored no-calorie waters. Some versions are flavored with low–calorie sweeteners. Other contains enhancements, like vitamins.

Use decaffeinated beverages:

If you are a lover of caffeinated beverages (like soda, tea, and coffee), then you should alternate them with decaffeinated beverage intake throughout the day. Alcohol and caffeinated beverages are diuretics. Diuretics can increase the secretion of water from the body rather than hydrating.

Consume fluids before you are thirsty:

Your body is already dehydrated by the time you are thirsty. You can use the color of your urine as an indicator to know if you are drinking enough. Your urine is a pale yellow in color in normal circumstances. If you notice that it is darker yellow, then you need to increase your fluid intake.

Drinks with calories and important nutrients:

Almond milk, unflavored soy milk, low fat or fat–free milk, or 100% fruit or vegetable juices have important nutrients, such as Vitamin D, potassium, and calcium. You should enjoy these drinks within recommended calorie limits.

Avoid alcohol:

It is not recommended to drink alcohol when you want to stay hydrated all the time. But, if you are a lover of some kind of alcohol, then you drink it in moderation.

Hot water with lemon:

It is recommended to drink hot water with lemon at night before going to bed. Also, you can put herbs in hot water, if you do not have lemon at that time.

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