How to Improve Eyesight Naturally at Home?;Fight Weak Eyesight with Natural Ingredients.
Vision declines as people age. Yet, there are several remedies you can try to improve eyesight naturally, so you won’t need to wear corrective glasses.
This is the definitive guide for those suffering from weak eyesight and looking for ways to improve eyesight naturally. Besides, you’ll get additional information on diets and foods you can try for better eye care.Natural Ways to Improve Eyesight
Vision problems have become widespread these days. What worries us most is that people of all age groups are becoming victims of vision disorders.
Various factors can trigger vision problems. However, the most common one among them is fatigue and strain suffered by our eyes.
Another factor responsible for the exponential rise in the number of people with eye health problems is our habit of spending hours in front of the computer. Even children have started spending a significant amount of time on smartphones and computers.
Here are some tips that would allow your eyes to recover naturally and also prevent the occurrence of further damage.
1. Stimulate your eye musclesStimulating your eye muscles every morning will help you eliminate most eye health disorders, which is an excellent remedy to improve eyesight naturally.
It would be best if you did these activities first thing in the morning:
- Wash your face with cool water (you can also use slightly cold water).
- Now, fill the mouth with enough water and close the eyes.
- Splash plenty of water from the mouth.
- Do this for a couple of minutes and release the water in your mouth.
This action would stimulate the eye muscles instantly, thanks to the gentle pressure exerted on your eyes by the water in your mouth.
The cold water hitting your eyes and face, on the other hand, would enliven your nerve endings, rejuvenating both your eyes and skin.
2. Clean your eyes using an Ayurvedic solution.
For this remedy, you will need an Ayurvedic formula called tridoshic eyewash.
Preparing the eyewash is easy. You will need to soak a tablespoon of Triphala churna in 1-liter water overnight.
When you wake up the following day, strain the solution and use the liquid to rinse your eyes. For best results, do this twice every day: once in the morning and then again after coming back from work.
This eyewash would help in relaxing and relieving the stress in your eyes.
3. Massage overworked eyes
Add this to your daily routine if you need to sit in front of the computer for long hours.
Here are the procedures:
- Hold your eyebrows between the index finger and thumb. Your thumb should be above your eyebrow, while the index finger should be under it.
- Press the area gently and straighten the eyebrows. Do this by applying equal pressure on every point in the area.
- Remove your thumb and roll it over the surrounding area of your eyeballs (or along with the eye socket) gently.
- Continue for 5 minutes. You’ll get relief from eye strain instantly.
For best results, repeat the above steps once after every 3 to 4 hours. This will improve blood circulation around the eyes and prevent your eyes from getting stressed and tired.
4. Perform exercises for improving eyesight
Consult a qualified ophthalmologist ask for some eyesight enhancing exercises. Here’s one activity that an eye expert would surely recommend:
- Rotate your eyeballs.
- Begin by moving the eyeballs from right to left, then move them up and down.
- Perform the above actions both clockwise and anticlockwise for four repetitions.
This exercise will not only improve eyesight naturally but will also remove stress from your eyes.
Diet for Healthy Eyes
Besides following the tips above, consuming a nutrient-rich diet helps speed up the renewal and repair process and have healthy eyes.
Here are the dietary guidelines you must abide by to have excellent eyesight.
1. Consume coriander juice
This remedy is highly beneficial for people having weak eyesight. Remember, always use freshly extracted coriander juice when using this remedy.
Combine 2 to 3 teaspoons (i.e., 7 to 14 ml) of coriander juice with 5 to 10 grams of honey. Consume the mix every day, and you will surely experience a sharp improvement in your vision.
The remedy is particularly beneficial for children and people spending a long time in front of the computer. You can also offer it to older adults struggling with blurred vision.
2. Replace unhealthy snacks with nuts and dry fruits
Figs, raisins, and almonds are instrumental in taking care of our eye health.
These food items allow our eyes to withstand the demands of daily activities without being tired and strained.
Before you go to bed, soak eight almonds, two jeers, and 15 raisins in a bowl of water. Eat the soaked nuts and dry fruits the following day on an empty stomach.
These food items are filled with vitamins and fibers and make removing toxins from our system more accessible. Reduction in the level of toxins in the eyes automatically resolves the majority of eye health issues.
3. Consume amla and carrot juice
Another remedy you can try involves the use of amla and carrot juice.
Mix equal portions of carrot and amla juice (extract the juices just before consuming them) to fill a glass. Have this mixture every morning on an empty stomach.
We all know that vitamin A is an essential nutrient when it comes to maintaining eye health. Both amla and carrot juice contain Vitamin A in high quantity.
4. Add more copper-rich food items to your diet
Copper boasts potent antibacterial properties.
Fill a copper vessel with 1-liter water before going to bed every night. Drink the water the following day.
According to ayurvedic practitioners, this copper-infused water is exceptionally beneficial to improve eyesight naturally.
5. Consume foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
Your diet must include a high quantity of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.
Moreover, DHA plays a protective role for the retina and helps it to function correctly. Meanwhile, a fatty acid plays a crucial role in developing the eyes and brain during infancy.
Fight Weak Eyesight with Natural Ingredients.
1. Almonds
Almonds are rich sources of vitamin E, boosting the ability to protect us from unstable molecules known for targeting healthy tissue, including the tissues in our eyes.
Hence, if you consume vitamin E-rich food items regularly, your chances of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration will decrease.
Ideally, you should consume 15 mg or 22 IU (international units) of the vitamin every day. Taking a serving of 23 almonds would provide you with 50% (11 IU) of the daily recommended value of vitamin E.
Examples of other vitamin E-rich nuts and seeds include peanuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.
For enhancing the vision-boosting ability of almonds, you can consume almonds along with fennel seeds. Here are the steps you should follow for preparing this recipe:
- Mix equal quantities of fennel seeds and almonds and grind the two ingredients into a fine powder.
- Store the powder in an airtight glass container; don’t forget to secure the lid tightly. When stored in a cool, dry place, the powder will remain fresh for as many as 10 days or even more.
- Add 10 grams of the fennel and almond powder to 250 ml warm milk. Add a teaspoon of honey to the liquid and stir well.
Have this drink every night before going to bed. You will see your eyesight get better within two weeks of using this remedy.
2. Fish
Fatty fish such as salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids known for boosting the health of various organs of the human body.
Omega-3 fatty acids play a significant role in our visual development. In addition, they are crucial in keeping our retina healthy.
These fatty acids are also instrumental in preventing eye dryness. A typical eye disorder suffered by people working in front of a computer for extended hours.
3. Eggs
Egg yolks contain nutrients like zinc, zeaxanthin, lutein, and vitamin A. Each of these nutrients is essential for having healthy eyes.
- Zinc keeps our retina healthy and improves our night vision
- Zeaxanthin and lutein are required to prevent age-related eye issues like cataracts and macular degeneration
- Vitamin A protects our cornea and improves overall eye health
When consuming eggs to enhance your vision, avoid drying them. The quantity and potency of nutrients tend to remain intact in boiled eggs.
4. Dairy
People with eye health issues should include dairy products like yogurt and milk in their daily diet.
Dairy products contain zinc and Vitamin A. Vitamin A takes care of our cornea. In contrast, zinc aids the transportation of the vitamin from our liver to our eyes.The mineral zinc is present in most parts of the eyes, particularly the choroid and retina. It plays a crucial role in improving our night vision and preventing the onset of cataracts.
For enjoying maximum benefits, consume dairy products prepared using milk derived from grass-fed cattle.
5. Carrots
Beta carotene and vitamin A, two main active ingredients of carrots, play a significant role in improving our vision. In addition, these nutrients are also instrumental in preventing eye infections.
6. Kale
Nutritionists often describe kale as a potent superfood thanks to the massive quantity of minerals and vitamins present in it. Adding this veggie to your daily diet would offer a series of health benefits.
KaleOpens in a new tab. is a rich source of antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein. These are nutrients known for preventing debilitating eye disorders, like cataracts and macular degeneration.
Here, you must note that the human body cannot produce zeaxanthin and lutein. It has to get these antioxidants from the food they eat. This makes finding food items containing a high quantity of these components critical.
Every 100 grams of kale contains 11.4 mg lutein, which is more than the daily recommended value. Some other veggies that have a high quantity of lutein include spinach and red peppers.
Kale chips make a great snacking Options.
However, to ensure that the nutrients in the veggie remain intact, we would advise you not too deep fry kale.
Instead, toss the leaves in pure olive oil and bake them for 20 minutes. Season the bakes kale with some pepper and salt to get a bowlful of tasty chips.