Pine Nuts: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects.

Pine nuts are being consumed in the Mediterranean region for over 2000 years. Commercial pine nuts are largely obtained from Pinus pinea. However, seeds from other plants such as Pinus koraiensis and Pinus gerardiana are also eaten worldwide.

The composition of pine nuts varies from species to species and depends on the climatic condition and geographical location. 

They are a rich source of nutrients and might be beneficial for human health in various aspects. Detailed description is given in the following sections.  

Nutritional Value of Pine Nuts:

Pine nuts contain an energy of 673 kcal. The nutrients present in pine nuts are as follows: 

NutrientPercentage content

Table 1: Depicting the nutrients present in 100g of pine nuts.

Vitamins present in pine nuts are as follows: 

  • Vitamin A (retinol)
  • Vitamin B1(thiamine)
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin)
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  • Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)2

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Properties of Pine Nuts:

Pine nuts might have the following properties: 

  • 1.It might help lower lipid levels in the blood

  • 2.It might help reduce the risk of heart diseases

  • 3.It might be an antioxidant

  • 4.It might help in weight management

  • 5.It might help lower blood pressure

  • 6.It might be helpful for the liver

  • 7.It might be helpful for the kidney 

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Potential Uses of Pine Nuts for Overall Health:

The composition and the nutrients present in it might change depending on the geographical location and climatic condition.However, they do contain vitamins, minerals and various other compounds which might aid human health. Some of the potential health benefits of pine nuts are as follows. 

1. Potential uses of pine nuts for cholesterol:

An animal study showed that pine nuts might have the potential to lower lipid levels in the blood. It was also stated that pine nuts might also affect the metabolism of lipoprotein. Pine nuts are rich in nutrients, and vitamins with less cholesterol. However, more studies on humans are required to prove these possible effects.  

2. Potential uses of pine nuts for weight management:

Peanuts are a rich source of minerals, proteins, and vitamins. Regular consumption or including peanut in the diet reduce the food intake. Few studies showed that pea nuts may maintain proper weight and may control the blood sugar levels in the body. However, further research is required to claim that peanuts are in weight management.

3. Potential uses of pine nuts for the heart:

A study showed that eating pine nuts might help reduce the level of fat in the blood and may also decrease the incidence of atherosclerosis (deposition of fat material in the human body) and coronary heart diseases. Pine nuts also contain flavonoids and consumption of peanuts might help reduce the risk factors of heart diseases. It might also promote the relaxation of blood vessels and the free flow of blood. However, kindly ensure that you consult a doctor for heart conditions to receive proper treatment. Do not self-medicate. 

4. Potential uses of pine nuts for blood pressure:

A few studies have shown that the potential use of pine nuts for heart diseases might be due to its possible effects on the blood vessels. Pine nuts might help reduce systolic blood pressure. It might also help improve the endothelial function (lining of blood vessels), may reduce the plasma viscosity (allows better blood flow) and may reduce the plasma fibrinogen (a factor causing blood clots). All these factors may help in controlling blood pressure.However, consult a doctor in case of high blood pressure and do not self-medicate.   

5. Potential uses of pine nuts for diabetes:

Researchers have noted that pine nuts extracts might have the potential to lower blood glucose levels. This activity might be due to the presence of proteins, vitamins, and antioxidant activity in pine nuts. However, these effects need to be further evaluated by conducting more studies. Furthermore, conditions such as diabetes need to be diagnosed and treated properly by a doctor. Kindly consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

6. Potential uses of pine nuts for the liver:

It was seen in certain animal studies that pine nut extracts might help improve liver function tests. This might be due to the antioxidant activity of pine nuts. There seemed to be an improvement in the structure of liver cells on the administration of pine nut extract too.3 However, these effects need to be evaluated and consulted with a doctor in case of liver infection and not self-medicate.  

7. Potential uses of pine nuts for the kidney:

An animal study showed that protection of the glomeruli (Cleaning units of kidneys) and a reduction in inflammation might be due to the administration of pine nuts. This might be potentially due to the reduction of oxidative stress by the antioxidant property of the pine nuts. Therefore, pine nuts might help protect the kidney and might exhibit a reno-protective property.

Though there are studies that show the potential uses of pine nuts in various conditions, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of pine nuts on human health.  

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