Powerful Home Remedies For Knee Pain.

 Knee pain is a prevalent ailment that may be induced by chronic and acute issues. Many times, knee joint issues resolve with some rest and exercise, but other times the problems could be due to an underlying condition that requires treatment. 

One of the most general aches and pains is discomfort in the front of the knee. After back pain in terms of prevalence, around one-quarter of the population experiences it at some point throughout their life. It is most frequent in teens, particularly young female athletes. The elderly population also complain of knee joint pain quite often. If left untreated, undiagnosed knee joint problems may worsen and affect the person’s movement and quality of life to a great extent. 


What are the symptoms?

The discomfort varies, but it is typically:

  • Pain in or around the knee joint
  • Difficulty in walking, standing or climbing stairs
  • Weakness in legs
  • Swelling around the knee joint
  • Clicking sound on knee joint movements
  • Reduced range of motion of legs

What can cause this pain?

The following can be the reason if your knee pain is recurring and cannot resolve on its own:




Osteoarthritis is a major cause of long-term knee problems. It primarily affects adults over the age of 65. It is assumed to be induced by joint wear and strain.

Movement becomes limited and discomfort gradually worsens.

The discomfort intensifies with weight bearing and subsides with rest. Pain might sometimes occur after getting up in the morning or after periods of inactivity. Movement and exercise help to decrease stiffness.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, frequently causes knee joint pain. Sore joints are typically red, painful, heated and inflamed.



The discomfort is characterised by stiffness, which is usually worse in the morning. If untreated, this may lead to damage to joints. 

Sprain and injury

Sprains and strains occur when the ligaments in the knee are stretched due to an abnormal or excessive activity or an abrupt twist or tumble. The effect on muscles and joints depends upon the intensity of force that leads to a sprain. Always better to consult a doctor for the right advice.


Gout is caused due to abnormally high levels of uric acid in the blood. It causes significant pain in joints and may affect knee joints as well. With early diagnosis and prompt treatment, symptoms can be reduced.

When to visit a Doctor?

Any pain or discomfort related to the knee joint must be evaluated by a doctor. Even mild symptoms can be indicators of an underlying disease. Early diagnosis and treatment by a (Bone and Joint) Orthopaedic doctor can save you from worsening the problem.

What are the home remedies?

It is important to understand that home remedies can temporarily help with pain management but will not eliminate the problem from its root. One must follow the treatment and exercises advised by a doctor.



The following simple remedies can help temporarily : 

Movement and activity

Exercise has the potential to delay the onset of osteoarthritis (OA), which is one of the major reasons for knee pain. Swimming and Cycling are possible exercises. Whether a person has OA or not, physical activity improves the function of cartilage tissue.

Exercise also improves how the body maintains the joints. Leg muscle strengthening is extremely excellent for the knees. Water exercise can help those with joint discomfort since it puts no load on the knees. Individuals might collaborate with physiotherapists to determine the best workouts and regimens. Activities can assist in preserving the knee joint by building the muscles of the leg. 

Checking your posture

  • Avoiding low seats and sofas that you “sink” into and resting on a cushion to increase your seating position can reduce knee discomfort.
  • Ensuring proper good posture, with no slouching or leaning
  • Wearing comfortable shoes and avoid those with damaged heels, which can cause abnormal force and wear on the knees
  • Avoiding extended sitting and lengthy periods of inactivity since joints can become stiff and uncomfortable if not moved.

Weight management

Being overweight will put more strain on the joints. Dropping it helps to minimise long-term knee discomfort, particularly arthritis pain.

Speak to your doctor and physiotherapist about the exercises that can help you. 

Healthy lifestyle changes that may help-

  1. Cut off excessive salt, sugar and fried and processed food from your diet.
  2. Add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.
  3. Omega 3 fatty acids- walnuts, flaxseeds, olive oil and almonds are beneficial for joints.
  4. Sleep well and talk to your physiotherapist about the type of mattress and sleeping positions.
  5. Say no to smoking and alcohol intake.
  6. Stay physically active
  7. Keep a tab on your health


Massaging your knees, especially self-massaging, may relieve discomfort. Speak to your doctor before opting for anything new. 

Gentle massages may benefit the muscles and joints. 


Natural oils can help with pain relief. A 2008 study found that massage with just an oil combining ginger and oranges helped with discomfort in knees with mild to severe pain.

In one study, researchers discovered that an ointment comprising cinnamon, ginger, mastic and sesame oil had the same impact on pain, stiffness and mobility as salicylate ointment.



Hot and cold compress

Heat and cold may both be useful based on the indication. Heat relaxes muscles and promotes blood flow, resulting in less stiffness. A heating pad or a hot water bottle can help.

Wrapping ice in a towel can help reduce discomfort, inflammation and swelling.

Some patients may use heat in the morning to promote mobility and minimise inflammation later in the day. Check any hot object before using it, particularly for an older person or someone who has difficulty communicating.

Not every remedy suits everyone; consult a doctor to understand the right treatment and remedies that may work for you. Massage may benefit some while worsening the problem in other pains. Similarly, it is important to know when to use a hot compress and when cold. 

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