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Foods That Could Lower Your Risk of Cancer.

What you eat can drastically affect many aspects of your health, including your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, di...

Practitioner 2 Jun, 2022

Edema: 7 Natural Treatments to Reduce Swelling.

Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in your body's tissues. Although edema can affect any part of your body, it's mos...

Practitioner 2 Jun, 2022

Medicinal Uses Of Coconut Roots.

Coconuts are popularly known for their versatility of uses, ranging from food to medicine to cosmetics. This palm tree has roots that grow...

Practitioner 2 Jun, 2022

Health Benefits Of Coconut Husk- Healing Wonders.

Coconut is one of the most useful trees in the world and is often referred to as the “tree of life”. It provides food, fuel, cosmetics,...

Practitioner 2 Jun, 2022


Prekese  is a local Ghana name which refers to  Tetrapleura tetraptera . It is an indigenous West Tropical Africa belonging to the fami...

Practitioner 2 Jun, 2022