November 2022

Powerful Health benefits of Lemongrass.

Cymbopogon citratus, commonly known as lemon grass or oil grass, is actually a tropical plant native to tropical Asia mostly southern part...

Practitioner 11 Nov, 2022

Important Health Benefits Of Eating Vitamins Regularly.

Good health and nutrition are imperative for leading a healthy life. In the current scenario where people follow hectic and strenuous lif...

Practitioner 10 Nov, 2022

8 Reasons Why You Could Be Feeling Tired Today(All the Time).

Everyone feels tired after an exhausting day at work or trek. It’s absolutely normal. Demanding work environments, stress from personal r...

Practitioner 10 Nov, 2022

18 Simple Home Remedies For Fungal Infections!

Many people suffer from fungal infections at least once in their lives. Poor hygiene, humidity and a warm climate are possible causes of f...

Practitioner 10 Nov, 2022